If a tiny butterfly can flap its wings to change what happens to this world, what's stopping you from achieving your desires!!!!
If a tiny butterfly can flap its wings to change what happens to this world, what's stopping you from achieving your desires!!!!
Every breathing person has a list of things that they would want to have in life. Underlying all those dreams of a great job, amazing relationship and loads of money that you want to have is the desire for happiness. Over the years and centuries, people have tried to find the secret to happiness. There are methods that work and those that do not work. However, the bottom line is that happiness is more a choice than it is a situation.
Abraham Lincoln said that ‘most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be’ and there is a certain truth to this.
Understand: The way that you view yourself and the world around you is a conscious choice and habit. This dictates the way you interpret the events that take place in your life, which in turn decides the actions you take. These actions become your everyday life, and you can easily tell whether you are living a happy life or otherwise. For instance, you can choose to see the beauty in the simple things that you do every day. On the other hand, you can choose to view things negatively. At the end of the day, your perspective of life is completely your own choice.
Being Grateful: One of the things that will definitely make your day brighter is to be grateful. There are numerous things that a person can be grateful for, beginning with the fact that you are alive. People who find reasons to be grateful leave no room for the negative thoughts and feelings that stand in their way of being happy. Being grateful is a conscious effort, and it takes learning, especially if you are a skeptic. The moment you begin to be grateful for all that you have got, you feel lighter. Those around you will also appreciate your positive attitude as you begin to be grateful for having them as well.
Focus: Something else that will work in your favor in your quest to find happiness is to get rid of some of your less valuable desires. There are desires that you have that may not really be necessary or that you do not really care much for. Some of these desires keep you away from really enjoying what you already have, and at the same time take your focus away from the things that really matter to you. In the same breath, it is also important to focus on doing the things that you like to do, especially when you have a choice.
Happiness does not have to be found, it just needs to be recognized. Happiness can be all around you, and you may not realize this. Allowing yourself to recognize and appreciate the beauty that is around you is taking the right step in learning how to find happiness. The simple pleasures in life can become significant in putting a smile on your face, but only if you will step back and recognize that there is indeed a lot of things around you that you can and should appreciate.
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